Our PArtners
At WPP India Foundation, we have partnered with best-of-breed partners to achieve the vision of leading the under-served youth from their education to livelihood.
Our current Partners and their work includes:

Magic Bus India Foundation
Magic Bus India Foundation, is a pioneer in building work-readiness skills in adolescents through sports. Their Sports 4 Development program implemented in our schools, intends to equip children in the age group of 12-16 years with a positive intent towards education, develops crucial life skills and builds gender equitable attitudes. The program also addresses the development of soft-skills such as confidence, goal setting, time-management and teamwork that are required to build a successful livelihood. The program also has direct impact on student attendance, with children more likely to attend school on days with Magic Bus sessions.

Learning Links India Foundation
Learning Links Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing education quality, promoting innovation and developing future ready citizens. The foundation will be implementing their Learning Enhancement and Practice (LEAP) program in our schools from June 2018. LEAP is Learning Links Foundation’s flagship program that aims to engage children’ interest in completing schooling by bridging learning gaps and improving children’ academic performance in English and Mathematics. The program also focuses on developing effective communication skills through special Spoken English sessions. The LEAP program will also engage teachers; to improve teaching effectiveness through regular needs-based capacity building sessions.

Lend-A-Hand India
Lend-A-Hand India (LAHI), works within the secondary school curricula for skills education. This ensures in delivering education relevant to employment. It provides children with hands-on experience in skills such as electrical wiring, welding, carpentry, plumbing, gardening, basic health and hygiene, agriculture etc. LAHI’s program aims to introduce the children to various vocational trades, enhancing their problem-solving skills, and increasing the high school graduation rates, further promoting enrolment in technical education courses and self-employment opportunities. The program will be targeted for children in the 9th & 10th grades.

Americares India Foundation
Americares India Foundation aims to change the health status of children with regards to anaemia, vision and oral health. They work towards implementation of the school health services by providing access to health care and medical referrals where necessary. Further improving the quality of physical and psychosocial health environments in the schools. Lastly, they will also promote sanitation and hygiene in the school through health education sessions with children and teachers.

Furtado’s School of Music
Furtado’s school music program curriculum has been designed in partnership with Trinity College London. Through the program, children will be trained in reading, writing and composing music. Apart from this, children will also be trained to master instruments such as keyboard, guitar, drums etc. The Furtado’s School of Music aims to achieve this goal by supporting the set-up of their music labs and introducing trained facilitators/teachers in the schools. Children will also be trained in the art of live performance. Children with exceptional talent will be given an opportunity to follow music as a possible path to livelihood.

Shiamak Victory Arts Foundation
Formed by Shiamak Davar, one of the finest-choreographers in India. The Victory Arts Foundation works with the WPP schools within the city of Mumbai. The Foundation targets children from 7th to 9th grades who are grouped in batches of 40. The program aims to inculcate soft skills of group cohesiveness, confidence and respect among children using dance as a medium of learning. The Foundation further provides the necessary training and platforms to perform, opening doors to dance as a possible livelihood choice for children.

ACORN Foundation
ACORN Foundation aims to train and mentor children from the urban slums of Mumbai in music. They also provide youth a platform to showcase their talent. Currently, band members of Dharavi Rocks are training 20 children from 6th-8th grades in our school located at Dharavi. The program works towards improving the learning skills, discipline, confidence, temperament and communication skills of the children. The children will also be given the opportunity to perform with the band, exposing them to a possible livelihood in music.

Genesis Foundation
Genesis Foundation’s Save Little Hearts Initiative supports children with critical illnesses. Since 2015, we have supported over 300 children in their surgeries. Each of these children have a life-threatening disease debilitating an entire family with no funds to pay for the life-saving intervention. But our work together goes beyond numbers where many of the children resumed normal activities and their education.

Indian Cancer Society
Indian Cancer Society’s Ugam initiative supports the rehabilitation of cancer survivors. Through our joint initiative we are supporting the education of cancer survivors that connect with Indian Cancer Society. In the last three years, Indian Cancer Society has provided scholarship, counselling support, vocational skilling and spoken English courses for all the cancer survivors of the program, helping them get back to their education.

Society for Development Alternatives
Our partner in rural India that is training the students in employability skills through our in-school career awareness and skilling program. They also link the students to technical skills training leading to placements in around the communities, ensuring financial independence among the students. The program supports 500 students every year with an aim of developing skills like—problem solving, conflict management, entrepreneurship, leadership and confidence building.

Buddy4Study is our Student2Scholar program partner, working as a mobilizer for our students and the private and government scholarships that are available for the students across their higher secondary and high school education. The program reaches out to all our students across geographies and through its counsellors and operations team matches the students profiles with the scholarships, supporting the students to complete their education to livelihood journeys. The financial assistance ranges from different costs with students and families having reduced dependence on financials for their children to continue education.